Meanwhile: No. 198

Posted inCreative Voices

One hundred and ninety-eight? Really? Yep. I’ve had a bit of a tidy and corralled all of my newsletters from ten years of platform-hopping into one place. Annoyingly, some of the older links are broken (suffice to say MailChimp is an utter git if you dare to go elsewhere), but it’s been awfully satisfying to go back through it all and review the ebb and flow of my fascinations. Have a delve into the archive, see where it takes you.

A new piece for the New York Times, illustrating an article on brain injuries caused by blast exposure and how artillery is essentially killing members of the military who don’t even see combat. Editorial work is such a different pace to book design – turnaround of one or two days rather than several months (or even years). It’s intense, but damn I love it.

A little blown away by the virtual tour of the George Eastman Museum’s Crashing into the Sixties film poster exhibition. Properly immersive; an excellent use of 3D modelling. One of the drawbacks of viewing posters on-screen is you lose a sense of scale, but with this you really appreciate how enormous some of these pieces are.

(thank you Eric for the tip)

Elsewhere in the newslettiverse:

Owen D. Pomery on architectural drawing and the art of creating a believable space;

Marina Amaral on fake historical photos and how the increasing sophistication of AI-generated photos raises concerns about the reliability of visual evidence; and

Gia asks, what is a female robot?

Best words growled by Tom Waits in A Brief History of John Baldessari: peepholes; biennale; pushpins; Giotto; dots.

Love this detail from Frank Herbert’s wiki page:

“The novel originated when he was assigned to write a magazine article about sand dunes in the Oregon Dunes near Florence, Oregon. He got overinvolved and ended up with far more raw material than needed for an article. The article was never written, but it planted the seed that led to Dune.”


My Threads has turned into something of a monochromatic scrapbook. Not really sure why, but I like using it in a completely different way to twitter. Proper good old fashioned micro-blogging. It almost feels like – ask your grandparents – tumblr.

As a new series of Neverending Story movies is announced, behold one of the all time great cosplays.

That is all.

This was originally posted on Meanwhile, a Substack dedicated to inspiration, fascination, and procrastination from the desk of designer Daniel Benneworth-Gray.

Collage by the author for the New York Times.