Grey Poupon Releases Limited-Edition White Wine, La Moutarde Vin

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The whole grain and Dijon mustard brand Grey Poupon recently announced the brand’s extension into the wine industry. 

Although the brand created the wine as a PR stunt, the full-bodied wine is apparently getting solid reviews. The wine itself is infused with mustard seeds and incorporates Viognier grapes from the south of France. Furthermore, the brand added that there are hints of spice and citrus as well as floral characteristics. And because Grey Poupon’s packaging is so iconic, it only makes sense that the wine bottle follows suit. In fact, when the packaging is compared side by side, the design elements match perfectly with each other. From the brand’s classic typeface to the blue and red stripes to the illustrations, the wine bottle and the mustard bottle are strikingly similar. 

Albeit a limited-edition product, the wine was released to make your lunch feel more like a feast and less like a chore. The wine retails at $30 for a bottle and comes with a jar of the brand’s iconic mustard, which sounds like a pretty swell 2-for-1 deal. 

And while creative, it’s not the first time we’ve seen a non-wine brand extend themselves into the wine world for a PR stunt. Remember Cheez-It’s House Wine duo box stunt? Or what about Taco Bell Canada’s limited-edition Jalepeño Noir

But now you can sit back, relax, and eat your ham and cheese baguette (with mustard) paired with the beautiful full-body wine instead of nibbling away at your sad desk salad while simultaneously working, all thanks to Grey Poupon’s La Moutarde Vin.