What Matters to Shayla Hunter

Posted inWhat Matters

Debbie Millman has an ongoing project at PRINT titled “What Matters.” This is an effort to understand the interior life of artists, designers, and creative thinkers. This facet of the project is a request of each invited respondent to answer ten identical questions and submit a nonprofessional photograph.

Shayla Hunter is a senior strategist at BX Design Group, an agency at IPG Health. She is also the creator of The 100 Black Queens Project featuring illustrated portraits and the stories of self-identifying Black women and girls.

What is the thing you like doing most in the world?

I have three things:
Spending time with those I love.
Creating art of some kind (illustrations, photography, dance, a flower garden).
Morning cuddles with my sweet dog Gracie.

What is the first memory you have of being creative?

When I was 7yrs old I participated in a drawing contest that was held by one of the local banks. The theme was “America, the Melting Pot” and I believe we could create anything that we felt fit the description. I created a scene using color pencils and crayons of the Statue of Liberty and people holding hands and standing around her. The coolest part of it all was that I won 2nd place in the contest. My artwork was framed and hung in the bank for several weeks. My mom made sure we went to take my photograph standing next to the piece marked with the ribbon.

What is your biggest regret?

I try to live life without regrets. However, there are a few things I said ‘yes’ to that should have been a ‘no’—but with all life decisions we learn and grow.

How have you gotten over heartbreak?

Taking time and healing. For me that means resetting and going back to my own baseline. Focusing on the things and people that make me happy and my heart sing.

What makes you cry?

Watching people being overcome with joy. I love watching videos of a child being surprised by a parent that’s been away serving in the military overseas. There is always a moment of disbelief and then full on joy. This also includes videos of people accomplishing a huge feat, like completing something physically challenging or regaining strength after illness.

How long does the pride and joy of accomplishing something last for you?

It lasts about 3-5 days. I’ll find myself reliving the moments which is nice because it helps to remind me of what’s possible.

Do you believe in an afterlife, and if so, what does that look like to you?

I think the afterlife is filled with everything beyond I could ever imagine. There’s no worries or burdens. It’s filled with 100x the amount of love that’s here on earth because hate doesn’t exist there.

What do you hate most about yourself?

I’m a people-pleaser! I didn’t realize this until a few years ago. I think too much about what others want or expect from me. It’s not helpful and it becomes exhausting. Knowing and working on this is half the battle. I have to remind myself that it’s totally OK to put myself first.

What do you love most about yourself?

That I allow myself to be free with my creativity, trying out new things without overthinking too much about the final result.

What is your absolute favorite meal?

Any Thai dishes with noodles.